
Episode 14 - Aries Moon as Sect Light - Tony-of-the-Woods

Hi, and welcome to the 'Luminaries In and Out of Sect' podcast, a show about the moon and how astrologers embody and relate to it. My name is SP Hall and I'm your host.

In today’s episode on the Aries Moon as the Sect Light I speak with the astrologer Tony-of-the-Woods.

We talk about the placement of his Moon on the Midheaven in the 10th Whole Sign House, but we also talk about many other things, such as the challenges of having the Moon in a hot, dry sign, druidism and Ogham, the Moon’s role in Islam, the story of Jason and Medea and the Golden Fleece, the philosophy of Alfred Whitehead, the difference between fate and destiny, and Lunar Mansions and their remedies.

As always, if you enjoy the work that I’m doing, please contribute to the podcast’s sustainability by becoming a supporting member or offering a one-time donation on my website. There you can also find information on my services. I’m offering natal and horary consultations on a donation basis, as well as transcription, captioning, and audio editing. Thanks again to all of those that have offered their generous support. Appreciate you!

Now for my conversation with Tony. I hope you enjoy it.

Please, be sure to check out the links to their website and socials below, as well as links to some of the resources that we touch on in our conversation.


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You can also find me on Instagram @sphallastro and Twitter @vincit_qui_se. Please feel free to follow me there, and let me know that you’ve found me from listening to the show.

If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please feel free to email me at:

Book a consultation with Tony -;

Find Tony on Youtube and Twitter -;

Irish Pagan School -

John Michael Greer -

Richard Tarnas -

Jason Holley -

Christopher Warnock -

Sara Mastros’ ‘Orphic Hymns Grimoire’ -

Photo for Cover Art by Luke Stackpoole @WithLuke on Instagram -

Intro/Outro music is ‘Clair de Lune,’ composed by Claude Debussy, played by David O and available courtesy of Great Scott Gadgets -