
Episode 4 - Capricorn Moon as Luminary Out of Sect - Madame Anshelyk

Hi, and welcome to the 'Luminaries In and Out of Sect' podcast, a show about the Moon and how astrologers embody and relate to it. My name is SP Hall and I'm your host.

In today’s episode on the Capricorn Moon as the Luminary Out of Sect I speak with the very thoughtful, kind astrologer Ángeles Lopez, better known to most of you as Madame Anshelyk.

In this conversation, we talk about Ángeles’ Capricorn Moon in their 12th Whole Sign House, Buddhism and the nature of the self, and many other things. From dodekatemoria, to firdaria, to Platonism as a philosophical foundation for astrology, to a Mayan myth about the birth of the Sun and Moon.

And despite the fact that this conversation was recorded several weeks ago, we also touch a bit on the Saturn discourse that’s been making the rounds on social media, and the beneficence - or at least the necessity - of maleficence.

But we also get into some sensitive topics, so here is a bit of a trigger warning. In particular we talked about mental health challenges, suicidality, death, and the use of plant-based medicines or entheogens.

So if those are sensitive subjects for you, I would proceed with that in mind.

In addition, I also wanted to mention what the recent Mars station has been teaching me about my capacities, my capabilities, and how I need to proceed with this podcast. Given my available time and resources right now, providing transcription for my podcast episodes is something that’s not possible at the moment with any expediency.

I’m sorry for over-promising and under-delivering on this, and to all those that makes the show less accessible. Hopefully, in the future I’ll be able to figure out a way to ensure that accessibility tool is available, as accessibility is an important issue to me.

With that said, I want to give a shoutout to Jose, who is @smalldogstar on Twitter, for volunteering to transcribe E.Y. Washington’s episode sometime soon. I really appreciated that offer, so keep an eye out for that transcript soon.

But now for the wonderful conversation that I had with Ángeles. I hope you enjoy it.

Please, be sure to check out the links to their website and socials below, as well as links to some of the resources that we touch on in our conversation.


Please subscribe to my Substack here -

And please subscribe to the show on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

You can also find me on Instagram @sphallastro and Twitter @vincit_qui_se. Please feel free to follow me there, and let me know that you’ve found me from listening to the show.

If you have any questions or feedback on the show, please feel free to email me at:

Book a consultation with Ángeles -

Find her on Twitter & Instagram -;

Adam Elenbass -

Ali A Olomi on Firdaria -

‘Journeying Into The Dodekatemoria’ with Cameron Cassidy - CazimiCon -

Book a consultation with Cameron Cassidy -

Metta/Loving-Kindness Meditation Resource -

Photo for Cover Art by Luke Stackpoole @WithLuke on Instagram -

Intro/Outro music is ‘Clair de Lune,’ composed by Claude Debussy, played by David O and available courtesy of Great Scott Gadgets -