
Episode 46 - Pisces Sun as Luminary Out of Sect - Jordan

Hi, and welcome to the 'Luminaries In and Out of Sect' podcast, a show about the Sun and how astrologers embody and relate to it. My name is SP Hall and I'm your host.

In today’s episode on the Pisces Sun as the Luminary Out of Sect I speak with Jordan.

I’m really excited to be dropping this next episode of my new Sun Series, which will continue for the next year. For new listeners, please go back and listen to the Moon series that I did last year where I spoke to different astrologers about their Moon sign.

I hope everyone has had a good, reflective Pisces Season, and that they’re enjoying this exalted Venus we have. I want to extend my good wishes to everyone for the upcoming eclipse season. Having the Moon in the 1st WSH, I typically feel eclipse season pretty viscerally, but I also have Aries as my Solar Return Ascendent this year, so I think it may be a particularly eventful one for me. Hope it goes well for you.

As always, if you enjoy the work that I’m doing, please contribute to the podcast’s sustainability by becoming a supporting member or offering a one-time donation on my website. For those of you interested in an astrological reading, I’ve closed my books, but I highly suggest going through this and past episodes to find a practitioner with whom you resonate.

I hope you enjoy the conversation.


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